NAME ___________________________ Pd. _____ Date: ___________
Each student will be assigned a country from the list below.
You will be traveling and living in your assigned country with a host family for an entire semester. You will need to include the following items designated on the respective pages of your report/project.
Page one: Title Page- this page should include the – Country – Your Name – Subject (Graduation Project World Cultures) class Period and due date.
Page two: Sources page: This page must have a minimum of six (6) sources and no more than ten.
Page three: Map and Country Flag: Both must be
colored and color-coded. Ex. Rivers
(blue)…mountains (brown) cities, bord
Page four: Statistics of country; Festivals and/or holidays; Government chart; Current news (use front and back of page)
Page five: Passport: See handout detailing material requested.
Brochure: See handout detailing material requested.
Page six: Host Family Life Page: This page(s) would include but not restricted to, a typical school day, extra curricular activities such as sports and social life. Is the family nuclear, extended, or other, and how might this affect your living standards. How many people do live in a typical home in this country, how large is the home, what kind of appliances and/or electric equipment is in the home. How many cars or mode of transportation is available to you and those living with you. Who drives? Also, a current news article pertaining to your respective country.
Page seven-eight-nine-ten: Monthly Journal: This would be (4) pages in length (Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr)
Presentation: See Presentation/Summary…This presentation may be oral or developed via PowerPoint. It should include summaries of all pages required plus travel plans and expenses incurred. Visual Presentation should include details relative to clothing worn, native foods, music, pictures/slides, dance, etc.
areas of concentration each worth 15 points for a total of 120 points.
Title Sources Map/Country
Statistics Brochure/Pass. Life
Journal Presentation Total
-Self picture or anyone you prefer
-place of birth
-date of birth
-date of issue
-no larger than 3 x 5
-Immunizations needed?
-teacher signature
-Pictures or Illustrations (3-5)
-Neatness –typed preferred handwritten
must be clear
-Vital Statistics:
-Capital (money used)
-Exchange rate (vs. American
-Three attractions
-Map of Country
-Two descriptive pictures of the Country
-language spoke
-per capita income (avg. $$$
per year/per person)
-Money and expense for trip needed (include airfare
round trip)
-flight time
-daily budget (food, daily spending,
-all pages except Journal
-current event
-your experience left you feeling how