


1.    Have you played golf before?  Yes________ No________

If so, how often do you play? _______________________


2.    Do you have your own clubs? Yes________ No________

If not, do you have access to clubs? __________________


3.    Do you have golf shoes?  Yes________ No________


4.    Do you have knowledge of golf etiquette? Yes____No____


5.    Are you familiar with the rules of golf? Yes_____ No______


6.    Do you work out regularly in a conditioning program? Yes_____ No_____


7.    Do you have transportation during daylight hours to and from Hiland Golf Course from 10:30AM to 6:00PM? Yes________ No________


8.    Have ever taken golf lessons? Yes________ No________ Are you planning on taking golf lessons this summer? Yes______ No______


9.    Are you planning to participate in another Fall sport or activity? Yes______ No______

If so which sport or activity? _________________________


Write any additional questions or comments on the back